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Yacht Project Management San Diego

Yacht Project Management San Diego
Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego Yacht Project Management San Diego
A few images for the owner. The fuel tank is opened up and generally clean now. It's hard to tell from the photos, but looking in the tank, down low next to the center "spine", you can see a large buildup of rust accumulation. There is a vertical wall just forward of the tank's rear wall. It is believed that where the center spine bisects the rear wall there is perforation. When we remember that water is heavier than fuel, is there was water sitting at this powest point in the tank, rust would naturally form there.

Overall, the hull looks good. As the preparation continuies, the sanders are keeping a sharp lookout for any areas that may also be thin.

At some point in the future, the hull can be inspaected using a sounding device that will show the thickness of the hull. This inspection is performed over the entire hull and is routinely used on steel boats so that new plates can be installed as necessary.

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Infinity Yacht Services © 2008 | 2504 Transportation Ave. Suite C National City, CA 91950 | Phone: 619-200-2950
Written and Developed by Troy Youngberg - Computer Consultant © 2008